3D CAD Design

Utilise the Power Of Additive Manufacturing

Leverage the transformative capabilities of additive manufacturing to create objects with lightweight strength and intricate, complex organic geometries, pushing the boundaries of design and functionality

Tailored Service

Our team specializes in CAD design for 3D Printing, and our collaborative process starts with you. Begin by sharing your project with us through our IP-protected service. Once we receive your project details, we engage in a thorough discussion of your options. We’ll schedule a consultation to delve into your project, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your specific requirements and objectives.

Throughout the process, we’ll work closely with you, potentially creating prototypes along the way to ensure perfect alignment with your goals, ultimately delivering the exact part you need.


We offer 3D scanning services, which are invaluable for applications where CAD design alone may not suffice. These include digitizing archaeological artifacts, capturing intricate details of sculptures and artwork for restoration, replicating unique automotive parts, and creating custom-fit prosthetics based on real-world measurements

Reverse Engineering

Reproduce an existing product or part into a 3D file utilisation our CAD experts. Allows design adjustment and improvement for efficient additive manufacture

Design Optimisation

Design optimization involves refining the geometry and structure of a 3D-printed object to achieve specific goals, such as improving strength, reducing weight, or enhancing aerodynamics. This process aims to maximize the desired attributes while minimizing material usage and production costs. Design optimization often includes the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software to iteratively refine the design, resulting in parts that are not only functional but also resource-efficient.

Topology Optimisation

Topology optimization takes design optimization to the next level by using advanced algorithms to determine the ideal distribution of material within a 3D object. It identifies the most structurally efficient shapes and configurations, removing unnecessary material and adding reinforcement only where needed. This results in lightweight yet robust structures that can be challenging or impossible to achieve through traditional manufacturing methods. Topology optimization is particularly valuable in industries where weight reduction, material efficiency, and performance are critical, such as aerospace and automotive.