FDM - Fused Deposition Modelling

Technology overview

FDM is an additive manufacturing technology that uses plastic filaments melted and deposited layer by layer to create 3D objects. It’s a cost-effective solution for rapid prototyping and small-scale production, offering design freedom to craft complex geometries. With reliable performance and versatility, FDM is suitable for various industries, producing durable end-use parts and functional prototypes.

Max part dimension

500 x 500 x 500 mm


± 0.5% (min: ± 0.3 mm)

lead time

From 1 Calendar Day – (We work 7 days a week)


From 50 microns

FDM uses:

Rapid Prototyping

Empowers rapid and cost-effective prototyping, turning your designs into functional products using industrial-grade materials. Enjoy design freedom to iteratively enhance your prototypes before full-scale production. Benefit from highly accurate models that closely match the final products, ensuring a seamless transition from concept to reality.

Key Benefits:

  • Cost-effective
  • Geometry Complexity
  • Rapid Iteration

Functional Parts

Provides efficient production of functional parts, offering design freedom for complex geometries and ensuring high accuracy and reliability in the end-use components. The materials used in FDM printing offer excellent strength, making the parts suitable for various real-world applications.

Key Benefits:

  • Tooling and Fixturing
  • Low Initial Investment
  • High Strength Functional Materials

Batch Production

Excels in fast, high-volume manufacturing, making it the go-to choice for producing thousands of functional parts. Its cost-effectiveness and efficiency allow for streamlined batch production, while maintaining high accuracy and consistency. Ensures rapid and reliable production of large quantities, meeting the demands of diverse industries

Key Benefits:

  • Prototyping to Production Transition
  • Lightweight Structures
  • Rapid Reliable Production – on call

See FDM Materials